Dear Atheist (Muslims, Buddhist and those who are no longer Christians),
I cannot speak for other religions, but I can speak for Christianity. I understand to an extent, why you don't believe in the religion, Christianity. There are these people who call themselves believers, but they don't even know what they believe in or do what they believe. There's this thing, called the Holy Bible and it brings Christians closer to their God and it holds the key to eternal life, but yet they don't read it. Their God, Jesus, is omnipotent but they don't even talk to their God that has the power to give them everything that is Holy and that they desire, if he's first in their lives. Their bible tells them to love one another, but they are the most divided. Their bible tells them to disciple but no one really cares about getting to know their neighbor to bring them closer to Christ. They too gossip, they too slander, they too commit adultery, they too destroy. They go to church every Sunday, and think they are better than the world. Yet, they do the same thing as the people who are not believers. In short, they're hypocrites.
A Christian who truly believe the word of God and most importantly has a relationship with Christ.
To the Atheist (Muslims, Buddhist and those who are no longer Christians), if you don't believe in the Bible because you just don't want to or for scientific reasons, I cannot force you or will not argue you down. However, if you don't believe in Christ because of the poor example that some Christians in the USA exemplify, please continue reading. Firstly, I want to apologize because I too was one of those Christians.
Please listen to my story,
After partying, drinking, hanging and living how I wanted to. I start telling myself, that it has to be more than life then this. I start searching for the meaning of life. Granted, I grew up in the Christian church but at times I wonder if that was a hindrance. At periods in my life, I would be passionate and lose passion, I would be radical for Christ and then it would die out.
I start reading the bible, praying and fasting adamantly. Unlike, a lot of believers who grew up in the church, I didn't have to be told to read, pray, and or fast because I wanted to understand the meaning of life. When I would read the New Testament of the Bible, I would get excited. However, when I went to church, I felt in my spirit and at face value looked at the church and saw that the believers in Acts (a book in the Bible) differed tremendously from the believers in the church now-a-days. This bugged me for months, and one of the biggest mistakes that I made was to get complacent because of the other believers I was around. I would tell them the believers in Acts did this and did that, shouldn't we be doing the same? They would say no no no, we don't have to do that because we have grace or because the church have a select group of people called evangelist who go out and make disciples for the whole church. Although, I knew that we as believers aren't supposed to depend on other people to do what God was telling us to do. I got comfortable and complacent with not doing what the Bible tells me to do. Why? Because it's not easy, the Bible even tell us, to be a disciples of Jesus, that it will not be easy. It says that we will be persecuted. So, like many Christians, we want our cake and eat it too. We want to say we love Jesus but we really don't. We like to say we believe the bible, but we don't. Thus the hypocrisy. We say we want or believe in something but don't show it with our actions.
Visit the blog entitled The Answer to read more about my journey.
I follow Christ because his word, the word of God make sense to me. I lived so many years not following him and I wasn’t at peace. I began following him and there was this peace in my life that I never experienced before. Things began to make sense. However, following Christ in all authenticity means that you give up your fleshly desires and you put Jesus before your worldly desires.. and that’s the hard part. So many people try to have their cake and eat it too… People want to believe in Jesus, be a Christian and they think they want to follow him but yet they’re not willing to do what the word of God says.
I cannot speak for other religions, but I can speak for Christianity. I understand to an extent, why you don't believe in the religion, Christianity. There are these people who call themselves believers, but they don't even know what they believe in or do what they believe. There's this thing, called the Holy Bible and it brings Christians closer to their God and it holds the key to eternal life, but yet they don't read it. Their God, Jesus, is omnipotent but they don't even talk to their God that has the power to give them everything that is Holy and that they desire, if he's first in their lives. Their bible tells them to love one another, but they are the most divided. Their bible tells them to disciple but no one really cares about getting to know their neighbor to bring them closer to Christ. They too gossip, they too slander, they too commit adultery, they too destroy. They go to church every Sunday, and think they are better than the world. Yet, they do the same thing as the people who are not believers. In short, they're hypocrites.
A Christian who truly believe the word of God and most importantly has a relationship with Christ.
To the Atheist (Muslims, Buddhist and those who are no longer Christians), if you don't believe in the Bible because you just don't want to or for scientific reasons, I cannot force you or will not argue you down. However, if you don't believe in Christ because of the poor example that some Christians in the USA exemplify, please continue reading. Firstly, I want to apologize because I too was one of those Christians.
Please listen to my story,
After partying, drinking, hanging and living how I wanted to. I start telling myself, that it has to be more than life then this. I start searching for the meaning of life. Granted, I grew up in the Christian church but at times I wonder if that was a hindrance. At periods in my life, I would be passionate and lose passion, I would be radical for Christ and then it would die out.
I start reading the bible, praying and fasting adamantly. Unlike, a lot of believers who grew up in the church, I didn't have to be told to read, pray, and or fast because I wanted to understand the meaning of life. When I would read the New Testament of the Bible, I would get excited. However, when I went to church, I felt in my spirit and at face value looked at the church and saw that the believers in Acts (a book in the Bible) differed tremendously from the believers in the church now-a-days. This bugged me for months, and one of the biggest mistakes that I made was to get complacent because of the other believers I was around. I would tell them the believers in Acts did this and did that, shouldn't we be doing the same? They would say no no no, we don't have to do that because we have grace or because the church have a select group of people called evangelist who go out and make disciples for the whole church. Although, I knew that we as believers aren't supposed to depend on other people to do what God was telling us to do. I got comfortable and complacent with not doing what the Bible tells me to do. Why? Because it's not easy, the Bible even tell us, to be a disciples of Jesus, that it will not be easy. It says that we will be persecuted. So, like many Christians, we want our cake and eat it too. We want to say we love Jesus but we really don't. We like to say we believe the bible, but we don't. Thus the hypocrisy. We say we want or believe in something but don't show it with our actions.
Visit the blog entitled The Answer to read more about my journey.
I follow Christ because his word, the word of God make sense to me. I lived so many years not following him and I wasn’t at peace. I began following him and there was this peace in my life that I never experienced before. Things began to make sense. However, following Christ in all authenticity means that you give up your fleshly desires and you put Jesus before your worldly desires.. and that’s the hard part. So many people try to have their cake and eat it too… People want to believe in Jesus, be a Christian and they think they want to follow him but yet they’re not willing to do what the word of God says.
I don’t want to lie to you or misconceive you. Following Christ is a daily struggle for me. I have to be consciously aware of my actions, thoughts and words to make sure that I am living in line with what the word says. If you decide to follow Christ and if you decide to live according to the New Testament of the Bible, you will suffer, and you will have to give up everything. If you don’t, you will be a lukewarm Christian and according to the Bible that’s worse than a non-believer [biblical reference Revelation 3:16].
What does Jesus want from you?
1. Your heart and love [biblical reference Mark 12:30-31].
2. To be first in your life [biblical reference John 14:6].
What is the meaning of your life on earth?
1. To make disciples using the talent or gift that God have given you(everyone has a different talent/gift) [biblical reference Matthew 28:19].
How do you make disciples?
1. By giving your heart and love to God.
If you’re looking for a meaning to your life, give Jesus a try and read the bible. My suggestions is begin with The New Testament and then read the Old Testament and then re-read the New Testament. I prefer reading it but there’s a free audio version of the bible visit Read five chapters per day. When you have a question about a scripture or chapter in the bible, ask God to guide you to someone with knowledge of that particular scripture…or you can email me at
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