Friday, July 17, 2015

Quote: Why so careful?

Everything that we do with the intent of doing 'good' for God, we can unintentionally make that 'good,' bad if we aren't careful.


1. It's great to go to church every Sunday but if you just go every Sunday, you can get stuck in a routine/tradition. God wants authenticity not a camouflage.

2. It's a great thing to read the bible everyday but after a while ask yourself are you doing it because you feel obligated or because you're radically passionate about God?

3. It's a great thing to teach, preach and disciple but after popularity are you more focused on leading people to God or allowing people to focus on you?

4. It's a great thing to pay tithes, are you paying because you're sincere about giving your best or because you want something from God so you're giving?

These are examples and I'm sure there are many more. As believer's of Christ we have to be cautious, aware, careful not to start of great and midway in, forget God and seek our own worldly/fleshly desires. Thank God for sending his Holy Spirit. We have a comforter to help us and guide us. We just have to be obedient.

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