Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lunch Prayer + Reflections

Lord, thank you for taking control over my life and guiding me into your truth and presence. I thank you for helping me make a conscious decision, every second of the day to die to myself and follow you. I thank you for helping me think of your desires for my life before I think and before I speak. Thank you for giving me the courage to make disciples. Thank you for your mercy and grace.

If the bible tells us (generalizing) that we are on earth to do his will and make disciples. If the bible tell us not to be comfortable on this earth and not to store up treasure on earth. Then why is it when we thank God for waking us up in the morning, we thank him for fleshy reasons? (ie. So you can have another day to be with your family. So you can enjoy your new car. So you can make it to the point where you have the American Dream).Are we thanking God for giving us another day to live solely for God? If yes, then why is it that a lot of Christians don't live solely for God? Please note that I'm not saying having a family, a car, or wanting a career is sin or bad. However, what I am saying is, that many people I know are only focused on that and go to church because it looks nice or because it's a temporary fix.

If we take the words in the bible literally and not casually. Then why is it that the church today, resemble the world but do not resemble the church in Acts [biblical reference]? Why do the believer's in today's time do the same thing as the non believers [profane language, lie, steal, cheat, fornicate, adultery, etc]?
I think believer's just stop taking the bible to be literal. You read the words in the bible or listen to the words in the bible but you live as if we don't believe them.

I've reached a point in my walk with God that I'm tired of black sliding or being lukewarm. For me, it's ought of I believe every word in the bible and live like it or I don't and do what I want.

I pray that God would convict me every time my heart, soul, spirit and love stray away from him.
I don't know how to put him first, all the time. I grew up in a world that has taught and molded me to be selfish... But the Bible say's that with God all things are possible. I have to believe and live like it is.

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