I finally get it...

1. The holy spirit is present [biblical reference John 14:26].
2. They diligently ask, seek, and knock [biblical reference Matthew 7:7-11].
Which basically mean they have to want to know and understand the truth. Their hearts cannot be hardened.
Now this doesn't mean we stop preaching, teaching and disciplining. It just means you do what you can to the best of your ability, out of love, plant the seed and allow God to water it.
For example, I know that I'm supposed to give God my best [biblical reference 2 Corinthians 9:7]. However, I didn't know how to, until I understood and really believed that this world is fading away, that my life is temporary and that I will be judged based upon my choices on earth [biblical references Hebrews 9:27].
Once I truly understood that and sincerely believed those truths. I was able to let go off my fleshy desires [sex, partying, etc] and put my worldly desires [successful happy marriage, great career, nice home] behind Jesus desires for my life [to love him, love others and disciple] [video reference forward to the 15 minute mark and watch until the 30 minute mark].
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